DEAMS Manager


The DEAMS Manager is the DEAMS component which can be used to manage several DPIS installations.   It allows the aggregation of data from multiple DPIS installations and analysis of that data as a whole.  The application provides all the functions and reports of DPIS, with additional reports and functions that are relevant to central or group management of schools.

The DEAMS Manager is geared towards stakeholders who develop and administer tests, as well as those in policy development. The design objective of the solution is to produce an application with a generic model for processing examinations and readily adapts to user-supplied rules and parameters. This, along with templates representing typical institutional scenarios allow for ease of implementation.

DEAMS is modelled around a group of core entities or objects:

  • Learners & Learner Groups
  • Institutions & Institution Groups
  • Programmes of Study or Courses
  • Subjects
  • Examinations
  • Test Administration
  • Interest Groups

The solution provides facilities to maintain a wide range of data on each of these entities as well on several supporting entities, all of which comprise the framework of an instructional and educational assessment environment.

Contact Us

Mailing  Address:
DPK Information Systems Limited

1 Norwood Avenue, Lot 3
Kingston 5

Ph: 876.926.1361
Fx: 876.968.0909

Ph 1: 876.906.2023
Ph 2: 876.906.2025
